Sunrise at Campobello

Sunrise at Campobello is a 1960 Warner Bros. biographical film telling the story of the struggles of future President of the United States Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his family when Roosevelt was stricken with paralysis at the age ofin August 1921. Based on Dore Scharys Tony Awardwinning Broadway play of the same name, the film was directed by Vincent J. Donehue and starred Ralph Bellamy, Greer Garson, Hume Cronyn and Jean Hagen.

The film begins at the Roosevelt familys summer home on Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada on the border with Maine, in the summer of 1921. Franklin D. Roosevelt is depicted in early scenes as vigorously athletic, enjoying games with his children and sailing his boat.He is suddenly stricken with fever and then paralysis. Subsequent scenes focus on the ensuing conflict in the following weeks between the bedridden FDR, his wife Eleanor, his mother Sara, and his close political adviser Louis Howe over FDRs future. A later scene portrays FDR literally dragging himself up the stairs as, through grit and determination, he painfully strives to overcome his physical limitations and not remain an invalid. In the final triumphant scene, FDR is shown reentering public life as he walks to the speakers rostrum at a party convention, aided by heavy leg braces and crutches after his eldest son James pushed his fathers wheelchair near to the podium. ........

Source: Wikipedia